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Flyover Living Sisters



We're sisters who were born and raised in the Midwest. We grew up in a community where strangers were few and far between, and the pride of the town could be seen from miles away. Our family dog was adopted from the yearly town festival. Our bikes were a preferred mode of transportation in between friends’ houses and the local market.  And trips downtown to cheer on the hometown baseball team was a way of life from April-September.


Our weekends were often spent at our family’s lakehouse a few hours away. Days were filled jumping off the old wooden dock and learning to waterski, while nights were spent watching the stars or going for midnight swims.


Now that we're grown-up, with families of our own, we often take trips down to the Ozark Mountains and savor the beauty of the rolling streams, deep canyons and unique history. We enjoy bike rides on the Katy Trail, visiting our brother in Indianapolis, and seeing good friends and family in Chicago.


While we both have a love for travel and have seen places around the globe, our hearts are in the rolling hills, the flowing rivers, the open fields, and the dense forests of the Midwest.

We started Flyover Living to share our passion for this wonderul part of the country with anyone who has ever lived in, or simply experienced, all the greatness it has to offer.


- Emily & Lila


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